Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)

aeroport roissy charles de gaulle

Finding your way around Roissy Charles de Gaulle

Finding your way around Roissy Charles de Gaulle

Flying from Roissy Charles de Gaulle ( CDG ) ? You will find lots of advice and information in order to get around the airport.

Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport is a huge complex measuring 32 km˛, it's the biggest airport in Europe. In order to find your way round Paris CDG airport, you will find many helpful solutions.

How to get to Roissy CDG ?

How to get to Roissy CDG The airport is easily accessible by public transportation and road routes. Whether you are coming by car from the various motorways ( A1, A3, A 104, A4 ), or by train accessible from many French towns. Parisians can also take several bus routes like Roissybus or the RER or Air France coaches.
Then, you can also take a taxi to come to Roissy, there are also several inter termninal shuttles, and even a shuttle running between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Disneyland Paris.

When I arrive at the airport, Where do I go ?

We offer you all the necessary information in order to find your way round.
Take a look at the terminal maps at Charles de Gaulle Airport, their accessibility by the different transportation like « CDGVAL », the shuttle bus services and inter terminal shuttles.
Find out how to get around the airport on foot.

Finally, find a car park at Roissy, a hotel or a rent a car at Charles de Gaulle.

Useful information for passengers at Roissy Charles de Gaulle

infos passager You are flying out from Charles de Gaulle Airport ?

Prepare your flight in advance and find out all the useful information like flight times at Roissy, luggage check in times and all other necessary formalities.

You can also find out about connecting flights at Roissy, e-tickets, useful information about duty free purchases or unaccompanied minors.
